Sunday, December 12, 2010


Our family has been talking about what happens to our body's after we die. Because my family dog just passed away and we thought it would be a good idea to explain where the poor dog went. For family night a few months ago Elliot taught Josie that our spirits go to heaven and our body's go to the cemetery and some day we will see them again. He even got on the internet and showed her a cemetery. The next day we drove by one and Josie says, "That's where our bodies go." She was listening to our Family Home Evening lesson. Then tonight she said, "She wants to meet Jesus and see buddy again (our family dog)."

The other day I went by Josie's room and she was a little sad and teary eyed. I asked her what was wrong and she was looking at a owl flash card at this point and she said, " I love Owls." Josie's become very sensitive and emotional these days. What a big heart this little girl has.

On the way home from my parents house out of the blue Josie says,"Daddy's fat!" I laughed and asked does he need to exercise? She said,"YES, he needs to do push ups." HA!


stephslater said...
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stephslater said...

Do me a favor, ask Josie if she wants to play with Annelise? Just to see what she says. I hope she doesn't say who??? If so we need to hang out more.

I like your new color. I am dying my hair dark on Wednesday. I wanted to cut it short, but I'm nervous. I'm constantly analyzing my prego appearance, and trying not to add pounds to my face to soon.