Carly is getting so big. She smiles so much. She loves to be in her excer-saucer or her Jenny Jumper. I think she'll crawl early like Josie did. She laughs the most when Josie talks to her or is trying to make her laugh. She's become a very good napper...the other day it was 3 1/2 hours only if I could be napping with her. That's the down part of having a 3 year old that doesn't nap anymore. She grabs and everything so watch out for especially for your hair. I loose chunks everyday that's why I'm always sporting the ponytail. She's getting a little bit better in the car but not much...she still crys the whole 15 min. to my parents house. She can roll to her tummy but not back to her back...I hope she can do that soon because she gets so mad when she's on her tummy for too long. She is starting to scoot in a circle to get what she wants. Her teeth seem to be trying to come in so that makes for an extra happy baby. We've been feeding her rice cereal and carrots so far for about a week and a half...we started feeding her solids awhile before she got sick but she wouldn't eat anything when she was sick. So the solids are up and running again....she loves them, I can't seem to get them in her mouth fast enough. I feed her at morning and at night. I love it! Its great, I don't have to feed her all the time. All in all Elliot and I keep telling each other that we can't believe how fast she is growing up.
Josie saying, "take a picture." She loves dressing up.
Josie and I have been having some struggles with each other. She'd rather do everything her way and how she wants to do it. I hear this phrase all too often, "In a minite. or "Wait!" Everything has to be her idea...shes just becoming way more independent especially in her opinion. Shes a very bossy little friend and I wonder why they all still want to play with her. Even thou we might butt heads some dayys we still have a lot of fun together. She's got a cute imagination. She loves playing dress-up, then dances and sings around the house.
i am so in love with carly! she is just so stinkin' cute! i of course love josie as well and think she is just the sweetest sister. hope you are feeling better. the flu hit me last night so ya i am tired of all the sickness going around blerg!
Cute girls! I was so glad to meet Carly in person the other night. She is such a sweetie.
So cute! Love the photos! Thanks for all your phone calls and everything since I've had our baby!
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