Monday, March 8, 2010

My cute girls

Smiley Baby Carly

Josie the cheese face with little sister.

My very tall baby.

Josie and Carly hanging out on the play couch...Josie looks like she doesn't have a neck because of her sweatshirt. HA!

Carly and Josie's baby...Josie wanted her baby to swing cute.

Life is just the same around here. Elliot goes to work and I stay home with the girls and try to keep the house clean and the kids taken care of. I always look forward to the weekend so Elliot and I can hangout but those days go by too fast.

Josie has been driving me crazy. I think she's more than ready to start preschool in the fall, too bad its not sooner for my sake. All she does is ask for her friends 24/7 and she wants to do something all the time. I guess that's kids but it get pretty annoying at times. Enough complaining...Josie loves the game Memory and she's really good at it too. The other day my dad was over and he played her and she really did win. He said he even cheated and he lost. It was pretty entertaining.

Carly is as cute as ever...she smiles all the time and is getting so close to laughing. She's getting pretty ticklish in her armpits, so stinking cute. She just found her hands and loves to eat them. Her hair is getting longer by the min. and I was able to put it in a pony tail holder on Sunday. I wish she was sleeping better and riding in cars better. I guess a girl can dream, right? Josie was a terrible car rider parents live like 15 min away and Carly cries the whole way there and back. It's not a soft cute cry, its a bloody murder cry and nothing helps.


Lisa said...

I love the photos and blog! I laughed so hard about what you said about cute little josie and her "no neck" picture! Still cute!

D. Spear said...

I just absolutely love your kids!!

Megan said...

i <3 carly

I <3 josie

such cute girls :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds stressful, and great at the same time. Your girls a super cute.